Adrenaline WA16651LL

New York City Walking Tour Wall Street and Movie Sites, 2 Hours

  • New York City Walking Tour Wall Street and Movie Sites - 2 Hours
  • New York City Walking Tour Wall Street and Movie Sites - 2 Hours
  • New York City Walking Tour Wall Street and Movie Sites - 2 Hours
  • New York City Walking Tour Wall Street and Movie Sites - 2 Hours
  • New York City Walking Tour Bull

Learn the ins and outs of Wall Street and the Financial District while snapping photos of famous movie sites throughout the Lower East side on this 2 hour walking tour of New York City!

Item: WA16651LL
Lower East Manhattan (New York City)
Available Dates
Our Price: $ 24.95 2024-12-17
$24.95 child (6 - 11)
Lowest Price Guarantee

Safe, Secure Shopping
  • Description

    Two worlds occupy Wall Street. One is a world of numbers and finance. The other is one of art and expression. Wall Street serves as both a financial hub and the setting for some of Hollywood’s most famous films (and not to mention, there’s a whole lot of history here!). This New York City walking tour covers all sides of the famous stretch.

    Bring your camera along. This Wall Street walking tour is a grade-A experience for architecture lovers! The famous Bull and the Fearless Girl, Trinity Church, the towering skyscrapers—it’s all there for you to capture. And it’s not just an outdoor walking tour. You’ll also get to venture inside many historic buildings!

    From the Hollywood angle, famous locations dot the scenery. See if you can point out where Batman and Bane went head-to-head or where John McClane took on the terrorists yet again. Cinephiles will have a field day!

    -Take a 2 hour Wall Street walking tour.

    -Venture into the New York Stock Exchange.

    -Cup the famous Bull or stand resolutely with the Fearless Girl.

    -Explore Trinity Church and the historic cemetery where Alexander Hamilton is buried.

    -Enter Federal Hall, a beacon of American Democracy—it’s where the Bill of Rights was proposed!

    -Stand right where George Washington took the first Oath of Office!

    -Next, travel to the real-world sets of The Dark Knight Rises, Ghostbusters, Men in Black and more!

    Fresh air, a rich history lesson, and some movie trivia to boot—this New York City walking tour has everything you want from a cultural afternoon in the Big Apple! Reserve your spot now!

  • Rated 4.6/5 based on 11 customer reviews
  • Experience Details

    Fitness and Experience

    • There is a lot of standing and walking, please consider this when deciding whether the tours are appropriate for your child
    • Tours walk at an easy pace so no particular level of fitness is required

    What to Bring/Wear

    • Comfortable walking shoes
    • A camera

    What is Supplied

    • A walking tour of Wall Street and Hollywood movie sites
    • See the bustling New York financial district and snap photos of some of the most iconic movie sites in NYC

    More Information

    • Tours depart daily at 9:15am and 12:15pm

  Available Dates
Why Adrenaline?
  • Low price guarantee
  • Fully flexible gift certificates
  • Gift certificates valid for 5 years
  • Certificates valid for any experience
  • Expert consultants
  • Thousands of reviews
  • Safe & secure shopping
  • FREE Shipping for orders over $119

Lower East Manhattan (New York City)

DESCRIPTION Learn the ins and outs of Wall Street while snapping photos of famous movie sites along the Lower East side on this 2 hour walking tour of New York City!
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