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Skydiving, Parachuting, Tandem Skydiving, Skydive

Making your first tandem skydive is an incomparable rush. You jump from a perfectly good plane and hit speeds of 120 MPH! 

Adrenaline offers tandem skydives from the best dropzones across the US - from Las Vegas to Orlando, Chicago to San Francisco, and basically everywhere in between. Pros with 1000s of jumps under their belts will show you the ropes.

Once it's all over? You're now a skydiver. Welcome to your new passion!

Find a dropzone near you today!
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What is it like Skydiving for the First Time?

Skydiving for the first time is unlike anything that words can describe but we’ll try. The sensation of hanging your legs out of the plane builds tension and excitement like you’ve never felt. Once you make the leap, first-time skydivers quickly reach 120 mph - that’s terminal velocity! You can expect anywhere from 30-75 seconds of free-fall time before pulling the chute and gliding back down to earth.

How Does Skydiving Work?

With tandem skydiving, you get the thrill of the jump with the security of a certified professional assisting you. Your tandem instructor will start you off with a safety and procedure briefing so that you’re confident in the equipment and prepared for your jump. You’ll review exiting the aircraft in flight, how maneuvers might work in freefall, and parachute deployment. Once onboard the aircraft, your tandem instructor will securely connect your harnesses so they can physically guide and assist you through your entire jump experience. Once you reach your desired altitude, you’ll jump as a unit for your freefall, ‘chute deployment, and landing.

Is Skydiving Safe?

Skydiving is definitely the ultimate adrenaline rush and first-timers wonder if it’s dangerous to skydive. Tandem skydiving has been an established sport for some time now so with governing bodies like the USPA and FAA ensuring certain safety standards are in place, you can rest assured that you are in good hands with certified professionals assessing every possible risk for you.

How Much Does It Cost to Go Skydiving?

The average price of a tandem skydive depends on many factors and whether you opt for a video and image package. On the day of your jump, your tandem instructor will show you the different packages available to you. Other deciding factors for the price of a skydive include the drop zone location and the height of the jump.

Where Can You Skydive?

Anywhere! Because it is governed by national associations like the USPA and FAA, skydiving is permitted in every state in the U.S. And skydiving is so popular now that nearly every state has skydiving facilities available. Take a look through our state and city categories and see what’s available near you!

When Can You Skydive?

When planning your jump of a lifetime, keep in mind that weather conditions and temperature can impact your jump. The temperature will drop 2-3 degrees Fahrenheit for every 1,000 ft of elevation. This means that while drop zones located in states with warm weather throughout the year are open year-round, drop zones in northern states that experience seasonal temperature drops are only open spring to autumn. 

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