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Jet Fighter Rides & Sky Combat Experiences

Jet fighter rides and air combat are not for the faint of heart. The aerial combat flight experience is a roaring, heart-pounding, fist pumping, screaming (if you can get the words out) good time. This is no scenic tour of the skies, as you'll soon find out! As soon as you taxi down the runway you'll realize that this is no joke! Get ready for some serious Gs, vertical rolls, dives and any other maneuvers that your pilot can dream up like simulated attacks and weaponry discharge. Book your next aerial experience today!

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What do you mean “you fly the plane”? 

This is the most common question! Some can’t believe that they can take control of a $500,000 aircraft without any prior training, but here’s how: Our fleet consists of aircraft equipped with dual flight controls, allowing our highly trained instructor pilots to effortlessly assume control if the need ever arises, although such a scenario is highly unlikely. Each of our instructors has successfully completed an intensive training program, gaining experience in handling every imaginable unusual attitude and aggravated spin. Our training exercises deliberately expose us to far more challenging situations than what is typically encountered during regular customer missions. While you are in control of the aircraft, you will even see your instructor pilot raise their hands in the air, so you know it is YOU that are truly the one flying the aircraft. 

What is the best time of year to fly? 

Flights are available throughout the year, and if inclement weather prevents a scheduled flight, rescheduling is not a problem. If you are traveling from a distant location, we suggest allowing for 1-2 additional backup days in your itinerary. It is extremely rare for flights to be canceled solely due to weather conditions. Often, slight adjustments to the timing, such as flying a bit earlier or later the same day, can accommodate minor weather variations, such as rain. 

How long does the full experience take? 

We suggest giving yourself at least half a day for this once in a lifetime experience. It can take anywhere from 3-5 hours, so try not to make many plans for the day. We know this one would top anything else you’ve got in mind! 

Can I bring a friend? 

We have an experience made just for that friend who makes everything a competition. Bring a friend or fly against one of our instructors in our Sky Combat Dogfighting Experience, Las Vegas – 50 minutes. On your pilot’s go, the fight is on in the sky, giving you every thrill of an actual aerial dogfight, including the satisfaction of scoring a direct hit with our optical targeting system and watching smoke come out of your opponent’s aircraft. 

How can I surprise someone with this as a gift? 

Easy! Our Adventure Vouchers can be sent instantly by email or shipped in a custom gift box. Your gift recipient will redeem their voucher online and choose their preferred day and time. Not to mention, you’ll be the coolest gift giver of all time. 

CLEANURL air-combat/
DESCRIPTION Jet Fighter & Sky Combat Dogfighting. Take the Controls & Fly a L-39 Fighter Jet! Aerobatic Flight Lessons. Feel the G's of rolls & dives. You become the Pilot! L39 Albatross Jet Ride.
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